whatsapp download Messenger 2.12.424 for Android | web-android.com - WhatsApp is the easiest way to send a quick message to a friend - your friend using your mobile phone. Noteworthy is that the person receiving the message must also have installed this application on their mobile phones.
WhatsApp now corresponds to almost all operating systems on the market: such as Android, iOS, Symbian and Windows Phone. So you will be able to communicate with friends - your friends without worrying about the model of mobile phone they use. You as a user of WhatsApp can send text messages, voice messages, links and images on the other. Although there is little concern about image quality slightly decreased and is not comparable with the original image you have. Users of these applications often use a piece of equipment that allows you to create and manage groups - existing group. All users can enter into any group as long as they are invited by the creator of the group and in addition they can also leave the group as they please.
By using WhatApp you can leave a message using paid so WhatsApp can be a communication equipment that is good for you and that is no less important is also in accordance with WhatsApp WhatsApp Plus during use to receive and send messages.
WhatsApp Messenger is one IM applications that could be considered a veteran. Although it has been used since, but WhatsApp is able to compete with the many similar applications which have recently sprung up. WhatsApp currently has presence in Android, you can get it for free.
WhatsApp allows you to make free calls, chat, send pictures, and much more. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, voice notes, and others.
Some of the features offered by WhatsApp Messenger among others are:
- No hidden costs after you download WhatsApp Messenger. You can directly use it to chat as much as possible. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: LTE / 3G / EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.
- Multimedia. Send video, picture, and voice notes to friends who are in your contacts.
- Group Chat. Enjoy group conversations with your friends in one screen.
- No international charges. You can make calls and send messages as much as possible to all the relatives and your families all over the world at no charge.
- Say no to PIN and username. Why bother having to remember a PIN and username? WhatsApp works with your phone number and seamlessly integrates with the existing address book on your device.
- No need Add Buddies. Existing contacts on your device will be connected automatically with your contacts on WhatsApp. So, all your friends and family who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed.
- Can make voice calls for free.
- Can make voice calls clearly and smoothly despite EDGE connection.
- Google Drive backup.
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